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Help with a size.....

Aussie Isa

Empfohlene Beiträge

Hello everyone,

I need a little help with a size... I want to make a pair of overalls (Latzhose) from the current Burda Kindermode. What size do I need for a 2.5 year old boy?

Sorry that this request is in English....

Thanks for your help.


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Das kommt auf die Körpergröße an, aber auch auf den Taillen-Hüftumfang. Diese Maße bräuchtest du. Im Idealfall passt beides nach der Größentabelle zusammen, ansonsten nimmst du die Größe nach dem Umfang und die Länge eben nach der Länge.:)

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Hello Isa,


unlike the American/Australian sizing based on a child's age the German sizing is based on the child's height in centimetres.


To be 100% sure It makes of course sense to double-check the paper pattern with the child's actual body measurements.


Happy Sewing!

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for example: my son Moritz is 8 years old 128 cm, 23 kg,

his american cousin Phillip is 8 years ols 128 cm, 46 kg;)..

Can you imagine the difference **gg**???

Arrg:)) don`t beat me with your sprags:))

Hoping, you`re feeling better !!!


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Good evening Isa,


My granddaughter is a good two and a half years of age. She takes a size 98 to 104. My experience is that Burda children's patterns are usually quite large. I would advise you to look in the measurement chart. Usually there is one in the patternbook. Take the measurements of the chest, hips, backlength and sidelength of the little boy and compare them to the measurement chart.

Happy sewing!

regards from Holland,



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Dies war die ENGLISCHE SEITE.:mad: :rolleyes:


sei dir versichert, wenn bei Patternreview jemand auf Deutsch fragen würde, dann würde dort auch jeder seine paar Brocken Deutsch zusammenkramen, um zu helfen





- die gerade aus den USA zurück ist, wo man ihr an jeder Ecke geholfen hat, wo man nur konnte-

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We had a little friend here today - he will be three in November - his clothes were trousers in 92 to a sweater in 104. This will not really help you but it may show you how difficult it is.

My daughter is 6, her trousers were sold in Holland for 8 year old ones - and the are perfect!

So take his measurements - or borrow clothes to compare them to the pattern

Tschüssi Rita

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