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PFAFF tipmatic 1027 Bedienungsanleitung gesucht auf Französisch !!!


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I'm sorry, I'm italian and I don't speak a word of german... but I found in this forum that someone has the user manual for the pfaff 1027 in french!

here is the thread.. http://hobbyschneiderin24.net/portal/showthread.php?t=20347

where Ide says that she or he has it.

I didn't want to bother all the forum writing in public in english and in french, but is not possible to send private messages to a single user unless you have already written at least 10 posts.. so, please, can someone ask to ide if she can contact me? my e-address is spugnola(-at-)libero.it :)

thank you very much,



(an italian girl searching desperatly that user manual for her mother, that doesn't speak german nor english)

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  • josef


  • tutummia


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the similiar model to your 1027 is the pfaff 1037

the manual for 1037 should be available also in italian language

would that possible be more helpful for your mother in italy ?


or do you perhaps have other intentions ?


best regards josef

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hi josef!

thank you for answering :)

in italian it would be great! but also in french or in english (i could translate it for her).. do you know where i should find it?

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I think the best way is to contact the pfaff home-page

or give them an e-mail

if I remember right, those instruction-books had been available

in german, english, french und italian in one edition


see the picture below


best regards josef


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