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HoopItAll (English)


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I am sorry to write English. I hope someone can answer my question. I found a German internetsite: http://www.1a-shops.eu/cgi-bin/shopserver/shops/s001902/index.cgi?aktion=artikel&ps=19842&subid=20712

where they sell HoopItAll hoops and I am interested in these hoops.


Is there someone who uses the HoopItAll hoops and can give me information on how this works with the PE-Design 6.0 software.

I would like to know how you can embroider very big designs with these hoops.

Thank you very much

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our message bord member Ulme owns the site you've linked to and I'm pretty sure, that she is able to write in English. I'm not sure, if she uses PE 6.0 but I don't think, she won't mind answering a question. You might just send her a PM :)

If not, I won't mind translating :)

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