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Zugang über AOL Browser funktioniert nicht mehr?


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Ich komme nicht mehr über AOL auf Eure Seite. Was muss ich tun damit das wieder funktioniert.

Dieses Fenster geht auf. Ich kann kein Englisch Hilfeeeee!!





Error Summary : Please use a different browser, such as Firefox, Opera, or Safari to access this site. We apologise for the inconvenience, but this is necessary due to network problems with AOL. .


Error Explanation : AOL puts proxy servers between you and the websites you visit. These proxy servers cause all requests by AOL customers using them to appear almost identical. This means that webmasters cannot tell one AOL proxy user from another. Therefore, when one AOL proxy user misbehaves, the only sure way of preventing them from continuing to abuse our site is for us to ban ALL AOL proxy users. We don't like doing this, but after repeated abuse from users who are effectively anonymous to us, the only way to resolve the situation has been to ban all anonymous AOL users from our site. You can quite easily access our site, however, all you need to do is use a browser not configured to use AOL's proxies. Doing this lets us know you aren't the AOL proxy user who has been causing problems for us. While you can in theory change your AOL settings to disable the use of proxies, we find that AOL purposefully makes this difficult, and so recommend you use a browser like Firefox instead. Using a different browser such as Firefox will allow you to access this site without problems, and also improve your online experience as a whole.


Contact : If you are not an AOL user, are an AOL user but have disabled the use of AOL's anonymous proxies, or otherwise believe you are getting this message by mistake, please email webmaster@DOMAIN and we will investigate promptly.


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