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Verstoss gegen Copyright


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ich bin eben mal bei "Dawanda" rum gegeistert und bin über ein paar Produkte gestolpert. Uiuiui, oweia! Da sind ein paar Dinge dabei von denen ich stark vermute, dass gegen das Copyright verstossen wurde. Oder haben die sich alle die Zustimmung der Designer geholt? Kann ich mir nicht vorstellen, da es doch alle mehr oder minder Hobbykünstler sind. Bei Ebay gibt es diese Angebote ja auch zu Hauf.


Ich habe ja auch schon mal überlegt das eine oder andere zu verkaufen, aber ohne Zustimmung? Das traue ich mich nun wirklich nicht.


Was kann den (Fremd-)Anbietern denn schlimmstenfalls passieren, dass sie das Risiko des "Erwischens" eingehen?


Rätselnde Grüße,


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Was kann den (Fremd-)Anbietern denn schlimmstenfalls passieren, dass sie das Risiko des "Erwischens" eingehen?


Eine strafbewehrte Unterlassungserklärung im 6 stelligen Bereich wäre eine Möglichkeit ... eine Schadensersatzforderung in dem Bereich im Zweifel auch.


Kurz gesagt, man läßt das besser. Es ist nicht nur assozial, sondern auch blöd. :rolleyes:

Allerdings sind Copyrightinhaber, die den privaten Gebrauch und die Darstellung eines einzelnen solchen Objektes verbieten wollen, in meinen Augen auch nur bemittleidenswerte Geschöpfe, denen es an der nötigen inneren Größe mangelt.


Wohlgemerkt! Das bezieht sich nicht auf alles, was verkauft wird! Da sind sie vollkommen im Recht.

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Sonntag, November 25, 2007


open letter


the Internet is a great arena for artists, crafters, designers and all kinds of creative people showing and sharing their wonderful creations with the world and finding their customers from around the globe. It´s also a wonderful source for finding inspiration. I really love to watch the works and work spaces of others and feeling being part of a hughe creative movement, embracing the world and trying to be an antipol to the mass produced and mass marketed. One can see an explosively rise of an indie craft scene. Many creatives found not only the chance to do what they really love, but also a way of making a tiny business out of it. I think this is an amazing development.


I started using textiles about three years ago, after I found the wonderful designs of artists like Rosa Pomar on the web. Being a painter at this stage of my artist way, I felt so inspired and I wanted to make tactile 3 dimensional art. My first creations came out a bit odd as I had nearly no experience in sewing (only had sewn a so called babydoll (nightshirt) at the age of about 9 in school which I never finished as I hated to work with the sewing machine and also hated that ten of the 15 girls had bought the same fabric like me, with a Sarah Kay dolls print for their first sewing project. So this was the tentative end of my sewing career, which should last for the next 27 years)


An old lady was living next to my door who was a seamstress, so I asked her what was wrong with my creations and she showed me that I had to clip curved seems, to make them smooth when turned right side out and stuffed. I made many drawings of possible creatures, that I wanted to transform into sewing projects. Doll_Entw%C3%BCrfe5_klein.jpgDoll_Entw%C3%BCrfe4_klein.jpg

It was all about drawing, designing and learning by doing. It took a while until I had found my own, personal style. Dolls with a simple shape, sleepy eyes and thick thumbs.

I can honestly say that I love my creatures every single one and there is nearly none of them after being finished that was not sitting with me in front of the TV, or even sitting in front of my bed so that I could look at it a while before falling into sleep (ask my husband). We are having a real deep relationship, my dolls and I :-)

In the last 2 weeks I got 2 emails from people telling me that they have seen my designs being used by others and SOLD. One email told me about a person selling on a German marketplace for handmade goods (that I also use to show my works) and one in a shop in Barcelona. (Please note: I´m not talking of these people who have bought the Softies book, where I have published the pattern of my guardian angel for PRIVATE use.)

Like I´ve said in the beginning of this post, the internet is a fantastic source for inspiration and I don´t want to miss it. But I think it makes a difference being inspired or to imitate.

I´m not the only one being copied, I know as I´ve read from other designers as well that they were imitated and other people and companies made profit out of their works. Do these people really identify with the piece of work, does it give satisfaction themselves? I don´t think so. There are unlimited ways for example to sew an angel and I really appreciate looking at variations of angels. It is the variety and the uniqueness that comes along with the handmade movement and that makes the world richer. I really don´t like to look at copies of my designs.


Labels: art, copies, design



Das hat Friederike in ihrem Blog geschrieben ich finde das einen der Besten Gründe sich an das copyrght zu halten


Außerdem, wenn man die Menschen nicht bezahlt für ihre Ideen müssen sie sich einen anderen Job suchen. Würde das unser Leben nicht trister machen ?

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Mir hat mal jemand auf eine entsprechende Frage zur Antwort gegeben:

ein guter Kursleiter/Künstler hat seine eigenen Ideen im Kopf. Da ist man nicht aufs KOPIEREN angewiesen.

Und Recht hatte sie

In diesem Sinne- Elli

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